Les Innocent.e.s, Video HD 6'49", 2023 (see video extract)
Uyghur children's clothes dance to the rhythm of
traditional music which sings the tragedy of exile. On
these clothes, Uyghur faces appear and disappear
according to the movements of the dance. The faces
represent Uyghur prisoners photographed by Chinese
police before being sent to camps.
Many Uyghur children, separated from their parents and
placed in orphanages, are completely sinicized, without
any access to their own culture. The faces of the prisoners,
projected onto the clothes inhabited by the absence of
childish bodies, are brought back together in the movement of
the dance, and swirl in an infinite breath of survival.
In the exhibition space, it is possible to consult the
Chinese police website, hacked by an American
foundation and from which the portraits of Uyghur
prisoners come.